Gene description for APOA2
Gene name apolipoprotein A-II
Gene symbol APOA2
Other names/aliases Apo-AII
Species Homo sapiens
 Database cross references - APOA2
ExoCarta ExoCarta_336
Vesiclepedia VP_336
Entrez Gene 336
HGNC 601
MIM 107670
UniProt P02652  
 APOA2 identified in exosomes derived from the following tissue/cell type
Chondrocytes 35931686    
Chondrocytes 35931686    
Chondrocytes 35931686    
Chondrocytes 35931686    
Hepatocellular carcinoma cells 26054723    
Hepatocellular carcinoma cells 26054723    
Hepatocytes 26054723    
Plasma 19028452    
Platelets 25332113    
Platelets 25332113    
Platelets 25332113    
Saliva 19199708    
Urine 19056867    
 Gene ontology annotations for APOA2
Molecular Function
    signaling receptor binding GO:0005102 IPI
    lipid transporter activity GO:0005319 IDA
    protein binding GO:0005515 IPI
    phospholipid binding GO:0005543 IDA
    high-density lipoprotein particle binding GO:0008035 IBA
    lipid binding GO:0008289 IDA
    cholesterol binding GO:0015485 IDA
    enzyme binding GO:0019899 IPI
    heat shock protein binding GO:0031072 IPI
    phosphatidylcholine binding GO:0031210 IDA
    apolipoprotein receptor binding GO:0034190 IPI
    protein homodimerization activity GO:0042803 IDA
    protein heterodimerization activity GO:0046982 IPI
    receptor ligand activity GO:0048018 IDA
    lipase inhibitor activity GO:0055102 IDA
    phosphatidylcholine-sterol O-acyltransferase activator activity GO:0060228 IDA
    high-density lipoprotein particle receptor binding GO:0070653 IPI
    cholesterol transfer activity GO:0120020 IDA
Biological Process
    negative regulation of cytokine production involved in immune response GO:0002719 IDA
    triglyceride metabolic process GO:0006641 TAS
    phosphatidylcholine biosynthetic process GO:0006656 IDA
    signal transduction GO:0007165 IEA
    cholesterol metabolic process GO:0008203 IEA
    phospholipid catabolic process GO:0009395 IDA
    response to xenobiotic stimulus GO:0009410 IEA
    response to glucose GO:0009749 IDA
    negative regulation of very-low-density lipoprotein particle remodeling GO:0010903 IDA
    protein oxidation GO:0018158 IDA
    peptidyl-methionine modification GO:0018206 IDA
    regulation of intestinal cholesterol absorption GO:0030300 IEA
    cholesterol transport GO:0030301 IBA
    animal organ regeneration GO:0031100 IEA
    regulation of protein stability GO:0031647 IDA
    negative regulation of cholesterol transport GO:0032375 IMP
    positive regulation of interleukin-8 production GO:0032757 IDA
    cholesterol efflux GO:0033344 IDA
    phospholipid efflux GO:0033700 IDA
    triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particle remodeling GO:0034370 IDA
    low-density lipoprotein particle remodeling GO:0034374 IDA
    high-density lipoprotein particle remodeling GO:0034375 IDA
    high-density lipoprotein particle assembly GO:0034380 IDA
    high-density lipoprotein particle clearance GO:0034384 IDA
    lipoprotein metabolic process GO:0042157 IEA
    cholesterol homeostasis GO:0042632 IBA
    cholesterol homeostasis GO:0042632 IDA
    response to estrogen GO:0043627 IEA
    reverse cholesterol transport GO:0043691 IDA
    diacylglycerol catabolic process GO:0046340 IDA
    positive regulation of phagocytosis GO:0050766 IDA
    protein stabilization GO:0050821 IDA
    negative regulation of lipid catabolic process GO:0050995 IDA
    positive regulation of lipid catabolic process GO:0050996 IDA
    response to glucocorticoid GO:0051384 IEA
    negative regulation of lipase activity GO:0060192 IDA
    negative regulation of cholesterol import GO:0060621 IDA
    negative regulation of cholesterol transporter activity GO:0060695 IDA
    cellular response to lipoprotein particle stimulus GO:0071402 IDA
    positive regulation of CoA-transferase activity GO:1905920 IDA
Subcellular Localization
    extracellular region GO:0005576 NAS
    extracellular region GO:0005576 TAS
    extracellular space GO:0005615 IDA
    early endosome GO:0005769 TAS
    endoplasmic reticulum lumen GO:0005788 TAS
    cytosol GO:0005829 TAS
    very-low-density lipoprotein particle GO:0034361 IDA
    high-density lipoprotein particle GO:0034364 IDA
    high-density lipoprotein particle GO:0034364 TAS
    spherical high-density lipoprotein particle GO:0034366 IBA
    spherical high-density lipoprotein particle GO:0034366 IDA
    chylomicron GO:0042627 IDA
    extracellular exosome GO:0070062 HDA
    blood microparticle GO:0072562 HDA
 Experiment description of studies that identified APOA2 in exosomes
Experiment ID 494
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 35931686    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Extracellular vesicles enriched in connexin 43 promote a senescent phenotype in bone and synovial cells contributing to osteoarthritis progression
Authors "Varela-Eirín M, Carpintero-Fernández P, Guitián-Caamaño A, Varela-Vázquez A, García-Yuste A, Sánchez-Temprano A, Bravo-López SB, Yañez-Cabanas J, Fonseca E, Largo R, Mobasheri A, Caeiro JR, Mayán MD."
Journal name Cell Death Dis
Publication year 2022
Sample Chondrocytes
Sample name Osteoarthritic cartilage
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 496
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 35931686    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Extracellular vesicles enriched in connexin 43 promote a senescent phenotype in bone and synovial cells contributing to osteoarthritis progression
Authors "Varela-Eirín M, Carpintero-Fernández P, Guitián-Caamaño A, Varela-Vázquez A, García-Yuste A, Sánchez-Temprano A, Bravo-López SB, Yañez-Cabanas J, Fonseca E, Largo R, Mobasheri A, Caeiro JR, Mayán MD."
Journal name Cell Death Dis
Publication year 2022
Sample Chondrocytes
Sample name Healthy cartilage
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 497
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 35931686    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Extracellular vesicles enriched in connexin 43 promote a senescent phenotype in bone and synovial cells contributing to osteoarthritis progression
Authors "Varela-Eirín M, Carpintero-Fernández P, Guitián-Caamaño A, Varela-Vázquez A, García-Yuste A, Sánchez-Temprano A, Bravo-López SB, Yañez-Cabanas J, Fonseca E, Largo R, Mobasheri A, Caeiro JR, Mayán MD."
Journal name Cell Death Dis
Publication year 2022
Sample Chondrocytes
Sample name T/C-28a2
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 498
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 35931686    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Extracellular vesicles enriched in connexin 43 promote a senescent phenotype in bone and synovial cells contributing to osteoarthritis progression
Authors "Varela-Eirín M, Carpintero-Fernández P, Guitián-Caamaño A, Varela-Vázquez A, García-Yuste A, Sánchez-Temprano A, Bravo-López SB, Yañez-Cabanas J, Fonseca E, Largo R, Mobasheri A, Caeiro JR, Mayán MD."
Journal name Cell Death Dis
Publication year 2022
Sample Chondrocytes
Sample name T/C-28a2
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 234
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule mRNA
Identification method RNA Sequencing
PubMed ID 26054723    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Hepatocellular carcinoma-derived exosomes promote motility of immortalized hepatocyte through transfer of oncogenic proteins and RNAs
Authors "He M, Qin H, Poon TC, Sze SC, Ding X, Co NN, Ngai SM, Chan TF, Wong N"
Journal name Carcinogenesis
Publication year 2015
Sample Hepatocellular carcinoma cells
Sample name HKCI-C3
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Sucrose density gradient
Flotation density 1.13-1.19 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
RNA Sequencing
Experiment ID 235
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 26054723    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Hepatocellular carcinoma-derived exosomes promote motility of immortalized hepatocyte through transfer of oncogenic proteins and RNAs
Authors "He M, Qin H, Poon TC, Sze SC, Ding X, Co NN, Ngai SM, Chan TF, Wong N"
Journal name Carcinogenesis
Publication year 2015
Sample Hepatocellular carcinoma cells
Sample name HKCI-8
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Sucrose density gradient
Flotation density 1.13-1.19 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
RNA Sequencing
Experiment ID 237
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule mRNA
Identification method RNA Sequencing
PubMed ID 26054723    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Hepatocellular carcinoma-derived exosomes promote motility of immortalized hepatocyte through transfer of oncogenic proteins and RNAs
Authors "He M, Qin H, Poon TC, Sze SC, Ding X, Co NN, Ngai SM, Chan TF, Wong N"
Journal name Carcinogenesis
Publication year 2015
Sample Hepatocytes
Sample name MIHA
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Sucrose density gradient
Flotation density 1.13-1.19 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
RNA Sequencing
Experiment ID 44
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 19028452    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Proteomic profiling of human plasma exosomes identifies PPARgamma as an exosome-associated protein.
Authors "Looze C, Yui D, Leung L, Ingham M, Kaler M, Yao X, Wu WW, Shen RF, Daniels MP, Levine SJ"
Journal name BBRC
Publication year 2009
Sample Plasma
Sample name Plasma
Isolation/purification methods Filtration
Size exclusion
Sucrose density gradient
Flotation density 1.15-1.16 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry [LTQ]
Western blotting
Immunoelectron Microscopy
Experiment ID 231
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 25332113    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Lipidomic and proteomic characterization of platelet extracellular vesicle subfractions from senescent platelets
Authors "Pienimaeki-Roemer A, Kuhlmann K, Bottcher A, Konovalova T, Black A, Orso E, Liebisch G, Ahrens M, Eisenacher M, Meyer HE, Schmitz G."
Journal name Transfusion
Publication year 2015
Sample Platelets
Sample name PL-Exs - Rep 1
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Optiprep density gradient
Flotation density 1.12-1.15 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 232
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 25332113    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Lipidomic and proteomic characterization of platelet extracellular vesicle subfractions from senescent platelets
Authors "Pienimaeki-Roemer A, Kuhlmann K, Bottcher A, Konovalova T, Black A, Orso E, Liebisch G, Ahrens M, Eisenacher M, Meyer HE, Schmitz G."
Journal name Transfusion
Publication year 2015
Sample Platelets
Sample name PL-Exs - Rep 2
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Optiprep density gradient
Flotation density 1.12-1.15 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 233
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 25332113    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Lipidomic and proteomic characterization of platelet extracellular vesicle subfractions from senescent platelets
Authors "Pienimaeki-Roemer A, Kuhlmann K, Bottcher A, Konovalova T, Black A, Orso E, Liebisch G, Ahrens M, Eisenacher M, Meyer HE, Schmitz G."
Journal name Transfusion
Publication year 2015
Sample Platelets
Sample name PL-Exs - Rep 3
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Optiprep density gradient
Flotation density 1.12-1.15 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 66
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 19199708    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Proteomic analysis of human parotid gland exosomes by multidimensional protein identification technology (MudPIT).
Authors "Gonzalez-Begne M, Lu B, Han X, Hagen FK, Hand AR, Melvin JE, Yates JR"
Journal name JPR
Publication year 2009
Sample Saliva
Sample name Saliva
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry [LTQ]
Western blotting
Immunoelectron Microscopy
Experiment ID 63
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 19056867    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Large-scale proteomics and phosphoproteomics of urinary exosomes.
Authors "Gonzales PA, Pisitkun T, Hoffert JD, Tchapyjnikov D, Star RA, Kleta R, Wang NS, Knepper MA"
Journal name JASN
Publication year 2009
Sample Urine
Sample name Urine - Normal
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry [LTQ]
Western blotting
 Protein-protein interactions for APOA2
  Protein Interactor ExoCarta ID Identification method PubMed Species
1 MED17  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
2 MED7  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
3 ABCA13  
Reconstituted Complex Homo sapiens
4 ALB 213
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
5 MED9  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
6 APOE 348
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
7 APOD 347
Co-purification Homo sapiens
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
8 APOC1  
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
9 SAA2 6289
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
10 NDRG1 10397
FRET Homo sapiens
11 APOC3 345
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
12 VKORC1 79001
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
13 MUC1 4582
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
14 MED27  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
15 STEAP3 55240
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
16 SCARB1 949
Reconstituted Complex Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
18 PHF11 51131
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
19 KRT72 140807
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
20 SERF2 10169
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
21 KIR2DL3  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
22 GNPAT 8443
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
23 SSMEM1  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
24 MED4 29079
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
25 EMC1 23065
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
26 MED1 5469
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
27 BSG 682
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
28 FAM96A  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
29 GNG8  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
30 ELMOD2 255520
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
31 MED20 9477
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
32 STOM 2040
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
33 MED21  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
34 UBE2U  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
35 TMEM259 91304
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
36 CREB3  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
37 PDZK1IP1 10158
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
38 MED31  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
39 C17orf62 79415
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
40 SLC7A1 6541
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
41 GJA8  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
42 APOF 319
Co-purification Homo sapiens
43 HSPA5 3309
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
44 EMC3 55831
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
45 FANCD2  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
46 AGPAT1 10554
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
47 EMC8 10328
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
48 TMEM45A  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
49 PANX1 24145
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
50 HSD17B13  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
51 SNX27 81609
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
52 TMEM39A  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
53 JUN 3725
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
54 PLTP 5360
Reconstituted Complex Homo sapiens
Co-purification Homo sapiens
55 MED10  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
56 WRB 7485
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
57 PSCA 8000
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
58 PCYOX1L 78991
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
59 PCYOX1 51449
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
60 MED14  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
61 APOC2 344
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
62 SCCPDH 51097
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
63 MED11  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
64 CIR1  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
65 MED19  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
66 PLXNB2 23654
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
67 SCGB1D1  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
68 CNN1 1264
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
69 EMC7 56851
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
70 SAA1 6288
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
71 GDPD1 284161
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
72 CHST10  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
73 MED8  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
74 MED6  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
75 TMEM82  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
76 TF 7018
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
77 MED30  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
78 GDE1 51573
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
79 KLK10 5655
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
80 FLNA 2316
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
81 QRSL1  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
82 APOA1 335
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
83 MATN2 4147
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
84 CCR1  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
85 SAA4 6291
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
86 KIAA0922  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
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