Gene description for PRRC2C
Gene name proline-rich coiled-coil 2C
Gene symbol PRRC2C
Other names/aliases BAT2-iso
Species Homo sapiens
 Database cross references - PRRC2C
ExoCarta ExoCarta_23215
Vesiclepedia VP_23215
Entrez Gene 23215
HGNC 24903
UniProt Q9Y520  
 PRRC2C identified in exosomes derived from the following tissue/cell type
Breast cancer cells 34108659    
Breast cancer cells 34108659    
Embryonic kidney cells 34108659    
Embryonic kidney cells 34108659    
Mesenchymal stem cells 36408942    
Pancreatic cancer cells 34108659    
Pancreatic cancer cells 34108659    
 Gene ontology annotations for PRRC2C
Molecular Function
    RNA binding GO:0003723 HDA
    protein binding GO:0005515 IPI
Biological Process
    hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation GO:0002244 IBA
    stress granule assembly GO:0034063 IMP
Subcellular Localization
    cytosol GO:0005829 IDA
    cytoplasmic stress granule GO:0010494 IEA
    membrane GO:0016020 HDA
 Experiment description of studies that identified PRRC2C in exosomes
Experiment ID 426
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Breast cancer cells
Sample name MDA-MB-231 - Exo-rich fractions 7-10 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Size exclusion chromatography
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 427
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Breast cancer cells
Sample name MDA-MB-231 - Exo-rich fractions 1-6 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
OptiPrep density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 419
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Embryonic kidney cells
Sample name HEK293T - Exo-rich fractions 7-10 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Size exclusion chromatography
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 419
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Embryonic kidney cells
Sample name HEK293T - Exo-rich fractions 7-10 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Size exclusion chromatography
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 420
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Embryonic kidney cells
Sample name HEK293T - Exo-rich fractions 1-6 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
OptiPrep density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 420
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Embryonic kidney cells
Sample name HEK293T - Exo-rich fractions 1-6 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
OptiPrep density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 488
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 36408942    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative proteomic analysis of exosomes from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and rat bone marrow stem cells
Authors "Xu X, Yin F, Guo M, Gan G, Lin G, Wen C, Wang J, Song P, Wang J, Qi ZQ, Zhong CQ."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2023
Sample Mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name UCMSC
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 434
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Pancreatic cancer cells
Sample name PANC-1 - Exo-rich fractions 7-10 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Size exclusion chromatography
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 435
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Pancreatic cancer cells
Sample name PANC-1 - Exo-rich fractions 1-6 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
OptiPrep density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
 Protein-protein interactions for PRRC2C
  Protein Interactor ExoCarta ID Identification method PubMed Species
1 UBE2H 7328
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
2 EIF3A 8661
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
3 SNRPA 6626
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
4 RPSAP58 388524
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
5 ISG15 9636
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
6 ZNF24  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
7 LGR4 55366
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
8 TARDBP 23435
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
9 FMR1 2332
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
10 HNRNPDL 9987
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
11 UBA1 7317
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
12 RPL10 6134
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
13 HSP90AB1 3326
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
14 CSNK2A1 1457
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
15 SRP72 6731
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
16 RABGGTB 5876
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
17 LGALS3BP 3959
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
18 RPS11 6205
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
19 CAPZB 832
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
20 PARK2  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
21 RPS20 6224
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
22 SNRNP70 6625
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
23 B3GNT2 10678
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
24 DARS 1615
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
25 HSPA2 3306
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
26 KLF8  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
27 CHCHD2  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
28 CALD1 800
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
29 NPM1 4869
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
30 CHCHD10  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
31 KLF15  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
32 LINC00240  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
33 PRDX2 7001
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
34 HIST1H3A 8350
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
35 HINFP  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Reconstituted Complex Homo sapiens
36 ITGA4 3676
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
37 SRP68 6730
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
38 ATG16L1 55054
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
39 CEP57  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
40 FBL 2091
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
41 Eif3i 54709
Affinity Capture-MS Mus musculus
42 Eif3a 13669
Affinity Capture-MS Mus musculus
43 MYCN  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
44 RBM42  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
45 SOX5 6660
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
46 RBM8A 9939
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
47 KIF14 9928
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
48 HSPA8 3312
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
49 EMC9  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
50 CPEB1  
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
51 KLF16  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
52 BAG5 9529
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
53 AURKA 6790
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
54 HAUS2  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
55 TCP1 6950
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
56 C10orf12  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
57 RC3H2  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
58 DDX21 9188
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
59 RB1CC1 9821
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
60 QPRT 23475
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
61 DRG1 4733
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
62 HIST1H2AG 8969
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
63 MAPRE1 22919
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
64 CCT5 22948
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
65 RPL5 6125
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
66 Srp72  
Affinity Capture-MS Mus musculus
67 ZFP41  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
68 NTRK1 4914
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
69 FOXK2  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
70 RAD18  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
71 FLNB 2317
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
72 RPA4  
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
73 HECTD1 25831
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
74 ENY2 56943
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
75 IARS 3376
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
76 CEP76  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
77 CAPN1 823
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
78 CEBPA  
Protein-peptide Homo sapiens
79 CYLD  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
80 RPL11 6135
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
81 TPR 7175
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
82 PHLPP1  
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
83 EIF3G 8666
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
84 SFPQ 6421
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
85 DDX6 1656
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
86 AHCY 191
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
87 EMC8 10328
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
88 SOX6  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
89 JPH4 84502
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
90 BAG2 9532
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
91 SIRT7  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
92 SRSF1 6426
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
93 MEX3A  
Affinity Capture-RNA Homo sapiens
94 PRMT8  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
95 USP36  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
96 ERLEC1 27248
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
97 RPS8 6202
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
98 SSB 6741
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
99 NUP43 348995
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
100 MYC  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
101 G6PD 2539
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
102 AURKB 9212
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
103 NCAPH 23397
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
104 PSPC1 55269
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
105 CSNK2A2 1459
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
106 ATP5B 506
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
107 HSPA1A 3303
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
108 DDRGK1 65992
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
109 HSPD1 3329
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
110 HSPA9 3313
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
111 CA2 760
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
112 FHL2 2274
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
113 RPS16 6217
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
114 HSP90AA1 3320
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
115 MAPKAPK2 9261
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
116 PLEKHA4 57664
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
117 ILF3 3609
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
118 WDR77 79084
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
119 TP53 7157
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
120 ATG13 9776
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
121 SRP19 6728
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
122 MAGEL2  
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
123 SHFM1 7979
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
124 HSPB1 3315
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
125 ELAVL1 1994
Affinity Capture-RNA Homo sapiens
126 G3BP2 9908
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
127 NUP35 129401
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
128 TOP2A 7153
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
129 PDZD8 118987
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
130 GSTM3 2947
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
131 TXN 7295
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
132 MAPK7  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
133 GAPDH 2597
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
134 RPL27A 6157
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
135 ATG4B 23192
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
136 PLS3 5358
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
137 HARS 3035
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
138 CIT 11113
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
139 SERBP1 26135
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
140 GNB2L1 10399
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
141 SRP9 6726
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
142 RC3H1 149041
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
143 ATOH1  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
144 WARS 7453
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
145 PRMT1 3276
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
146 TRPC4AP  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
View the network image/svg+xml
 Pathways in which PRRC2C is involved
No pathways found

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