Gene description for TRIP13
Gene name thyroid hormone receptor interactor 13
Gene symbol TRIP13
Other names/aliases 16E1BP
Species Homo sapiens
 Database cross references - TRIP13
ExoCarta ExoCarta_9319
Vesiclepedia VP_9319
Entrez Gene 9319
HGNC 12307
MIM 604507
UniProt Q15645  
 TRIP13 identified in exosomes derived from the following tissue/cell type
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells 36408942    
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells 36408942    
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells 36408942    
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells 36408942    
Chondrocytes 35931686    
Chondrocytes 35931686    
Gastric cancer cells 33991177    
Gastric cancer cells 33991177    
Gastric cancer cells 33991177    
Mesenchymal stem cells 36408942    
Ovarian cancer cells 23333927    
Ovarian cancer cells 23333927    
Squamous carcinoma cells 20124223    
Thymus 23844026    
 Gene ontology annotations for TRIP13
Molecular Function
    transcription coregulator activity GO:0003712 TAS
    protein binding GO:0005515 IPI
    ATP binding GO:0005524 NAS
    ATP hydrolysis activity GO:0016887 IEA
    identical protein binding GO:0042802 IPI
Biological Process
    oocyte maturation GO:0001556 IEA
    double-strand break repair GO:0006302 ISS
    transcription by RNA polymerase II GO:0006366 TAS
    mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint signaling GO:0007094 IMP
    synaptonemal complex assembly GO:0007130 ISS
    reciprocal meiotic recombination GO:0007131 IBA
    reciprocal meiotic recombination GO:0007131 ISS
    male meiosis I GO:0007141 IEA
    female meiosis I GO:0007144 IEA
    spermatogenesis GO:0007283 ISS
    spermatid development GO:0007286 IEA
    oogenesis GO:0048477 ISS
    meiotic recombination checkpoint signaling GO:0051598 IBA
Subcellular Localization
    male germ cell nucleus GO:0001673 IEA
    nucleus GO:0005634 IBA
    chromosome GO:0005694 IBA
 Experiment description of studies that identified TRIP13 in exosomes
Experiment ID 489
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 36408942    
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Experiment description Quantitative proteomic analysis of exosomes from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and rat bone marrow stem cells
Authors "Xu X, Yin F, Guo M, Gan G, Lin G, Wen C, Wang J, Song P, Wang J, Qi ZQ, Zhong CQ."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2023
Sample Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name BMSC - Passage 6
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 490
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 36408942    
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Experiment description Quantitative proteomic analysis of exosomes from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and rat bone marrow stem cells
Authors "Xu X, Yin F, Guo M, Gan G, Lin G, Wen C, Wang J, Song P, Wang J, Qi ZQ, Zhong CQ."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2023
Sample Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name BMSC - Passage 7
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 491
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 36408942    
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Experiment description Quantitative proteomic analysis of exosomes from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and rat bone marrow stem cells
Authors "Xu X, Yin F, Guo M, Gan G, Lin G, Wen C, Wang J, Song P, Wang J, Qi ZQ, Zhong CQ."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2023
Sample Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name BMSC - Passage 8
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 492
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 36408942    
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Experiment description Quantitative proteomic analysis of exosomes from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and rat bone marrow stem cells
Authors "Xu X, Yin F, Guo M, Gan G, Lin G, Wen C, Wang J, Song P, Wang J, Qi ZQ, Zhong CQ."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2023
Sample Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name BMSC - Passage 9
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 497
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 35931686    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Extracellular vesicles enriched in connexin 43 promote a senescent phenotype in bone and synovial cells contributing to osteoarthritis progression
Authors "Varela-Eirín M, Carpintero-Fernández P, Guitián-Caamaño A, Varela-Vázquez A, García-Yuste A, Sánchez-Temprano A, Bravo-López SB, Yañez-Cabanas J, Fonseca E, Largo R, Mobasheri A, Caeiro JR, Mayán MD."
Journal name Cell Death Dis
Publication year 2022
Sample Chondrocytes
Sample name T/C-28a2
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 498
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 35931686    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Extracellular vesicles enriched in connexin 43 promote a senescent phenotype in bone and synovial cells contributing to osteoarthritis progression
Authors "Varela-Eirín M, Carpintero-Fernández P, Guitián-Caamaño A, Varela-Vázquez A, García-Yuste A, Sánchez-Temprano A, Bravo-López SB, Yañez-Cabanas J, Fonseca E, Largo R, Mobasheri A, Caeiro JR, Mayán MD."
Journal name Cell Death Dis
Publication year 2022
Sample Chondrocytes
Sample name T/C-28a2
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 363
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 33991177    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Cancer stem cell marker DCLK1 reprograms small extracellular vesicles toward migratory phenotype in gastric cancer cells
Authors "Carli ALE, Afshar-Sterle S, Rai A, Fang H, O'Keefe R, Tse J, Ferguson FM, Gray NS, Ernst M, Greening DW, Buchert M."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2021
Sample Gastric cancer cells
Sample name MKN1 - 100K pellet
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 364
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 33991177    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Cancer stem cell marker DCLK1 reprograms small extracellular vesicles toward migratory phenotype in gastric cancer cells
Authors "Carli ALE, Afshar-Sterle S, Rai A, Fang H, O'Keefe R, Tse J, Ferguson FM, Gray NS, Ernst M, Greening DW, Buchert M."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2021
Sample Gastric cancer cells
Sample name MKN1 - 100K pellet
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 365
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 33991177    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Cancer stem cell marker DCLK1 reprograms small extracellular vesicles toward migratory phenotype in gastric cancer cells
Authors "Carli ALE, Afshar-Sterle S, Rai A, Fang H, O'Keefe R, Tse J, Ferguson FM, Gray NS, Ernst M, Greening DW, Buchert M."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2021
Sample Gastric cancer cells
Sample name MKN1 - 100K pellet
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 488
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 36408942    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative proteomic analysis of exosomes from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and rat bone marrow stem cells
Authors "Xu X, Yin F, Guo M, Gan G, Lin G, Wen C, Wang J, Song P, Wang J, Qi ZQ, Zhong CQ."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2023
Sample Mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name UCMSC
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 211
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
cytochrome c|GOLGA2
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 23333927    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Characterization and proteomic analysis of ovarian cancer-derived exosomes.
Authors "Liang B, Peng P, Chen S, Li L, Zhang M, Cao D, Yang J, Li H, Gui T, Li X, Shen K."
Journal name J Proteomics
Publication year 2013
Sample Ovarian cancer cells
Sample name IGROV1
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Sucrose density gradient
Flotation density 1.09-1.15 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 212
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Cytochrome C|GOLGA2
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 23333927    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Characterization and proteomic analysis of ovarian cancer-derived exosomes.
Authors "Liang B, Peng P, Chen S, Li L, Zhang M, Cao D, Yang J, Li H, Gui T, Li X, Shen K."
Journal name J Proteomics
Publication year 2013
Sample Ovarian cancer cells
Sample name OVCAR-3
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Sucrose density gradient
Flotation density 1.09-1.15 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 191
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 20124223    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Hypoxic tumor cell modulates its microenvironment to enhance angiogenic and metastatic potential by secretion of proteins and exosomes.
Authors "Park JE, Tan HS, Datta A, Lai RC, Zhang H, Meng W, Lim SK, Sze SK."
Journal name Mol Cell Proteomics
Publication year 2010
Sample Squamous carcinoma cells
Sample name Squamous carcinoma cell (A431)
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 217
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 23844026    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Characterization of human thymic exosomes.
Authors "Skogberg G, Gudmundsdottir J, van der Post S, Sandstrom K, Bruhn S, Benson M, Mincheva-Nilsson L, Baranov V, Telemo E, Ekwall O."
Journal name PLoS One
Publication year 2013
Sample Thymus
Sample name Normal-Thymus
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
 Protein-protein interactions for TRIP13
  Protein Interactor ExoCarta ID Identification method PubMed Species
1 UBE2H 7328
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
2 MORN3  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
3 MVP 9961
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
4 HDAC4  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
6 QARS 5859
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
7 RBPMS 11030
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
8 CD99 4267
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
9 ARSA 410
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
10 TARDBP 23435
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
11 PARD3 56288
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
12 FBXO25  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
13 ZNF34  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
14 UBA1 7317
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
15 PLSCR4  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
16 KIF20A 10112
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
17 MAD2L1BP  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-Western Homo sapiens
Reconstituted Complex Homo sapiens
18 SIGLEC5  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
19 ARL11  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
20 LOC100132735  
Protein-RNA Homo sapiens
21 LOXL4 84171
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
22 PTPN1 5770
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
23 RHOXF2  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
24 ASXL1  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
25 CENPA  
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
26 KIAA1429 25962
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
27 DPPA4  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
28 MEPCE 56257
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
29 S100A4 6275
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
30 CRYZ 1429
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
31 LASP1 3927
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
32 PELI1 57162
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
33 TGFB1 7040
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
34 KIF23 9493
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
35 C11orf54 28970
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
36 PLAC8  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
37 FBXW7  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
38 PRC1 9055
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
39 CLEC2B  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
40 PCMTD2  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
41 MDC1  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
42 POU5F1  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
43 FBXW8 26259
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
44 C4orf33  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
45 TINAGL1 64129
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
46 LRR1  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
47 COIL  
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
48 COMT 1312
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
49 CRMP1 1400
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
50 PLSCR3 57048
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
51 VDR  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
52 GALT 2592
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
53 TEX37  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
54 MAD2L1 4085
Affinity Capture-Western Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Reconstituted Complex Homo sapiens
55 NCSTN 23385
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
56 NIF3L1 60491
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
57 LAMTOR1 55004
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
58 TPT1 7178
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
59 NUP155 9631
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
60 KRT8 3856
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
61 TTC37 9652
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
62 GPSM1 26086
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
63 DPYSL4 10570
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
64 TTC4  
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
65 METTL15  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
66 CTDP1 9150
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
67 PARK2  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
68 METTL8  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
69 KRTAP12-1  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
70 MSX2  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
71 UBE2I 7329
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
72 VCP 7415
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
73 NTRK1 4914
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
74 GPRIN2  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
75 AMDHD2 51005
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
76 GPR182  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
77 DCP1A 55802
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
78 DTX2 113878
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
79 PPP2CA 5515
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
80 ZNF655  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
81 HUWE1 10075
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
82 IGLV6-57  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
83 FBLN5 10516
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
84 MGAT5B  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
85 PLK3  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
86 HIST1H2AB 8335
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
87 SMUG1  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
88 SPRYD7 57213
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
89 USP32 84669
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
90 WDYHV1  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
91 CD3EAP  
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
92 DDAH2 23564
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
93 ANLN 54443
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
94 TRIP13 9319
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Reconstituted Complex Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Reconstituted Complex Homo sapiens
95 AASDHPPT 60496
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
96 CARD14  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
97 FNDC3B 64778
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
98 CLN3 1201
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
99 MSH2 4436
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
100 BUB1B  
Affinity Capture-Western Homo sapiens
Reconstituted Complex Homo sapiens
101 EIF6 3692
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
102 ECT2 1894
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
103 MAD1L1  
Affinity Capture-Western Homo sapiens
104 EPB41L4A 64097
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
105 CUL3 8452
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
106 DIP2A 23181
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
107 ISG20L2 81875
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
108 ZC3HC1  
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
109 ARF6 382
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
110 FBXO6 26270
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
111 HDHD3 81932
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
112 SEC24A 10802
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
113 ELMSAN1  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
114 TNRC6A 27327
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
115 AURKB 9212
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
116 PBLD 64081
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
117 ARMC6 93436
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
118 PI4K2B 55300
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
119 PARP1 142
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
120 MTG1  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
121 CYB5R2 51700
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
122 NEFM 4741
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
123 RPA3 6119
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
124 SELENBP1 8991
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
125 RAB9A 9367
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
126 GLYCTK  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
127 KRTAP26-1  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
128 DDRGK1 65992
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
129 SGTA 6449
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
130 Kctd5  
Affinity Capture-MS Mus musculus
131 SEMA4G  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
132 Rpl35 66489
Affinity Capture-MS Mus musculus
133 STAMBPL1  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
134 KRTAP3-2  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
135 CPSF3L 54973
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
136 PEX3 8504
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
137 TLDC1 57707
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
138 AKAP1 8165
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
139 FLOT1 10211
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
140 CCDC8  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
141 HIF1A 3091
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
142 CCBL1 883
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
143 PLEKHA4 57664
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
144 FASN 2194
Negative Genetic Homo sapiens
145 CDC20 991
Reconstituted Complex Homo sapiens
Reconstituted Complex Homo sapiens
146 KIF14 9928
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
147 ADAT3 113179
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
148 FOLR1 2348
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
149 OPALIN  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
150 NME4 4833
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
151 Itgb1 16412
Affinity Capture-MS Mus musculus
152 SCP2 6342
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
153 ASB13  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
154 ADAM15 8751
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
155 POLR3GL  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
156 AARSD1 80755
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
157 RAB2A 5862
Proximity Label-