Gene description for TMED10
Gene name transmembrane emp24-like trafficking protein 10 (yeast)
Gene symbol TMED10
Other names/aliases P24(DELTA)
Species Homo sapiens
 Database cross references - TMED10
ExoCarta ExoCarta_10972
Vesiclepedia VP_10972
Entrez Gene 10972
HGNC 16998
MIM 605406
UniProt P49755  
 TMED10 identified in exosomes derived from the following tissue/cell type
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells 36408942    
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells 36408942    
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells 36408942    
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells 36408942    
Breast cancer cells 34108659    
Breast cancer cells 34108659    
Breast cancer cells 34108659    
Breast cancer cells 34108659    
Chondrocytes 35931686    
Chondrocytes 35931686    
Colorectal cancer cells 34887515    
Embryonic kidney cells 34108659    
Embryonic kidney cells 34108659    
Embryonic kidney cells 34108659    
Foreskin fibroblasts 34108659    
Gastric cancer cells 33991177    
Gastric cancer cells 33991177    
Gastric cancer cells 33991177    
Lymphoma cells 34108659    
Mammary cancer-associated fibroblasts 34108659    
Melanoma cells 25950383    
Melanoma cells 25950383    
Melanoma cells 25950383    
Melanoma cells 25950383    
Mesenchymal stem cells Unpublished / Not applicable
Mesenchymal stem cells 36408942    
Monocytic leukemia cells 34108659    
Normal mammary epithelial cells 34108659    
Ovarian cancer cells 23333927    
Ovarian cancer cells 23333927    
Pancreatic cancer cells 34108659    
Pancreatic cancer cells 34108659    
Pancreatic cancer cells 34108659    
Pancreatic cancer cells 34108659    
Pancreatic duct epithalial cells 34108659    
Pancreatic duct epithalial cells 34108659    
Platelets 25332113    
Platelets 25332113    
Platelets 25332113    
Pluripotent stem cells 34108659    
Prostate cancer cells 25844599    
Prostate cancer cells 25844599    
T lymphocytes 34108659    
Thymus 23844026    
 Gene ontology annotations for TMED10
Molecular Function
    protein binding GO:0005515 IPI
    protein transmembrane transporter activity GO:0008320 IMP
    syntaxin binding GO:0019905 IPI
Biological Process
    intracellular protein transport GO:0006886 IBA
    intracellular protein transport GO:0006886 IDA
    endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport GO:0006888 IBA
    endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport GO:0006888 TAS
    retrograde vesicle-mediated transport, Golgi to endoplasmic reticulum GO:0006890 ISS
    Golgi organization GO:0007030 IBA
    positive regulation of interleukin-1 production GO:0032732 IMP
    vesicle cargo loading GO:0035459 TAS
    COPI-coated vesicle budding GO:0035964 IDA
    regulated exocytosis GO:0045055 ISS
    vesicle targeting, to, from or within Golgi GO:0048199 ISS
    COPI coating of Golgi vesicle GO:0048205 TAS
    COPII vesicle coating GO:0048208 TAS
    positive regulation of protein secretion GO:0050714 IMP
    protein transmembrane transport GO:0071806 IEA
    protein localization to ERGIC GO:0106272 IMP
    cytosol to ERGIC protein transport GO:0106273 IMP
    regulation of amyloid-beta formation GO:1902003 IMP
Subcellular Localization
    Golgi membrane GO:0000139 TAS
    endoplasmic reticulum GO:0005783 IBA
    endoplasmic reticulum GO:0005783 IDA
    endoplasmic reticulum membrane GO:0005789 TAS
    endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment GO:0005793 IBA
    endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment GO:0005793 IDA
    Golgi apparatus GO:0005794 IBA
    Golgi apparatus GO:0005794 IDA
    cis-Golgi network GO:0005801 ISS
    plasma membrane GO:0005886 ISS
    ER to Golgi transport vesicle membrane GO:0012507 TAS
    membrane GO:0016020 ISS
    transport vesicle GO:0030133 TAS
    COPII-coated ER to Golgi transport vesicle GO:0030134 IBA
    COPI-coated vesicle GO:0030137 IBA
    COPI-coated vesicle GO:0030137 ISS
    trans-Golgi network transport vesicle GO:0030140 ISS
    secretory granule membrane GO:0030667 ISS
    endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment membrane GO:0033116 TAS
    melanosome GO:0042470 IEA
    zymogen granule membrane GO:0042589 ISS
    gamma-secretase complex GO:0070765 IDA
 Experiment description of studies that identified TMED10 in exosomes
Experiment ID 489
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 36408942    
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Experiment description Quantitative proteomic analysis of exosomes from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and rat bone marrow stem cells
Authors "Xu X, Yin F, Guo M, Gan G, Lin G, Wen C, Wang J, Song P, Wang J, Qi ZQ, Zhong CQ."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2023
Sample Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name BMSC - Passage 6
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 490
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 36408942    
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Experiment description Quantitative proteomic analysis of exosomes from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and rat bone marrow stem cells
Authors "Xu X, Yin F, Guo M, Gan G, Lin G, Wen C, Wang J, Song P, Wang J, Qi ZQ, Zhong CQ."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2023
Sample Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name BMSC - Passage 7
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 491
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 36408942    
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Experiment description Quantitative proteomic analysis of exosomes from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and rat bone marrow stem cells
Authors "Xu X, Yin F, Guo M, Gan G, Lin G, Wen C, Wang J, Song P, Wang J, Qi ZQ, Zhong CQ."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2023
Sample Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name BMSC - Passage 8
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 492
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 36408942    
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Experiment description Quantitative proteomic analysis of exosomes from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and rat bone marrow stem cells
Authors "Xu X, Yin F, Guo M, Gan G, Lin G, Wen C, Wang J, Song P, Wang J, Qi ZQ, Zhong CQ."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2023
Sample Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name BMSC - Passage 9
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 412
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Breast cancer cells
Sample name MCF7
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study RT-qPCR
Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Flow cytometry
Experiment ID 414
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Breast cancer cells
Sample name MDA-MB-231
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study RT-qPCR
Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Flow cytometry
Experiment ID 426
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Breast cancer cells
Sample name MDA-MB-231 - Exo-rich fractions 7-10 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Size exclusion chromatography
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 427
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Breast cancer cells
Sample name MDA-MB-231 - Exo-rich fractions 1-6 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
OptiPrep density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 497
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 35931686    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Extracellular vesicles enriched in connexin 43 promote a senescent phenotype in bone and synovial cells contributing to osteoarthritis progression
Authors "Varela-Eirín M, Carpintero-Fernández P, Guitián-Caamaño A, Varela-Vázquez A, García-Yuste A, Sánchez-Temprano A, Bravo-López SB, Yañez-Cabanas J, Fonseca E, Largo R, Mobasheri A, Caeiro JR, Mayán MD."
Journal name Cell Death Dis
Publication year 2022
Sample Chondrocytes
Sample name T/C-28a2
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 498
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 35931686    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Extracellular vesicles enriched in connexin 43 promote a senescent phenotype in bone and synovial cells contributing to osteoarthritis progression
Authors "Varela-Eirín M, Carpintero-Fernández P, Guitián-Caamaño A, Varela-Vázquez A, García-Yuste A, Sánchez-Temprano A, Bravo-López SB, Yañez-Cabanas J, Fonseca E, Largo R, Mobasheri A, Caeiro JR, Mayán MD."
Journal name Cell Death Dis
Publication year 2022
Sample Chondrocytes
Sample name T/C-28a2
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 1203
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34887515    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Supermeres are functional extracellular nanoparticles replete with disease biomarkers and therapeutic targets
Authors "Zhang Q, Jeppesen DK, Higginbotham JN, Graves-Deal R, Trinh VQ, Ramirez MA, Sohn Y, Neininger AC, Taneja N, McKinley ET, Niitsu H, Cao Z, Evans R, Glass SE, Ray KC, Fissell WH, Hill S, Rose KL, Huh WJ, Washington MK, Ayers GD, Burnette DT, Sharma S, Rome LH, Franklin JL, Lee YA, Liu Q, Coffey RJ."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Colorectal cancer cells
Sample name DiFi
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Centrifugal ultrafiltration
OptiPrep density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
RNA sequencing
Experiment ID 407
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Embryonic kidney cells
Sample name HEK293T
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study RT-qPCR
Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Flow cytometry
Experiment ID 419
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Embryonic kidney cells
Sample name HEK293T - Exo-rich fractions 7-10 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Size exclusion chromatography
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 419
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Embryonic kidney cells
Sample name HEK293T - Exo-rich fractions 7-10 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Size exclusion chromatography
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 420
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Embryonic kidney cells
Sample name HEK293T - Exo-rich fractions 1-6 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
OptiPrep density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 420
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Embryonic kidney cells
Sample name HEK293T - Exo-rich fractions 1-6 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
OptiPrep density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 405
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Foreskin fibroblasts
Sample name BJ
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study RT-qPCR
Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Flow cytometry
Experiment ID 363
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 33991177    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Cancer stem cell marker DCLK1 reprograms small extracellular vesicles toward migratory phenotype in gastric cancer cells
Authors "Carli ALE, Afshar-Sterle S, Rai A, Fang H, O'Keefe R, Tse J, Ferguson FM, Gray NS, Ernst M, Greening DW, Buchert M."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2021
Sample Gastric cancer cells
Sample name MKN1 - 100K pellet
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 364
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 33991177    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Cancer stem cell marker DCLK1 reprograms small extracellular vesicles toward migratory phenotype in gastric cancer cells
Authors "Carli ALE, Afshar-Sterle S, Rai A, Fang H, O'Keefe R, Tse J, Ferguson FM, Gray NS, Ernst M, Greening DW, Buchert M."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2021
Sample Gastric cancer cells
Sample name MKN1 - 100K pellet
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 365
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 33991177    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Cancer stem cell marker DCLK1 reprograms small extracellular vesicles toward migratory phenotype in gastric cancer cells
Authors "Carli ALE, Afshar-Sterle S, Rai A, Fang H, O'Keefe R, Tse J, Ferguson FM, Gray NS, Ernst M, Greening DW, Buchert M."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2021
Sample Gastric cancer cells
Sample name MKN1 - 100K pellet
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 417
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Lymphoma cells
Sample name Raji
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study RT-qPCR
Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Flow cytometry
Experiment ID 411
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Mammary cancer-associated fibroblasts
Sample name mCAF
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study RT-qPCR
Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Flow cytometry
Experiment ID 254
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 25950383    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Proteome characterization of melanoma exosomes reveals a specific signature for metastatic cell lines
Authors "Lazar I, Clement E, Ducoux-Petit M, Denat L, Soldan V, Dauvillier S, Balor S4, Burlet-Schiltz O1, Larue L, Muller C Nieto L"
Journal name Pigment Cell Melanoma Res
Publication year 2015
Sample Melanoma cells
Sample name MNT-1
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Sucrose density gradient
Flotation density 1.13 - 1.19 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 257
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 25950383    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Proteome characterization of melanoma exosomes reveals a specific signature for metastatic cell lines
Authors "Lazar I, Clement E, Ducoux-Petit M, Denat L, Soldan V, Dauvillier S, Balor S4, Burlet-Schiltz O1, Larue L, Muller C Nieto L"
Journal name Pigment Cell Melanoma Res
Publication year 2015
Sample Melanoma cells
Sample name Daju
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Sucrose density gradient
Flotation density 1.13 - 1.19 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 258
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 25950383    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Proteome characterization of melanoma exosomes reveals a specific signature for metastatic cell lines
Authors "Lazar I, Clement E, Ducoux-Petit M, Denat L, Soldan V, Dauvillier S, Balor S4, Burlet-Schiltz O1, Larue L, Muller C Nieto L"
Journal name Pigment Cell Melanoma Res
Publication year 2015
Sample Melanoma cells
Sample name SKMEL28
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Sucrose density gradient
Flotation density 1.13 - 1.19 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 260
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 25950383    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Proteome characterization of melanoma exosomes reveals a specific signature for metastatic cell lines
Authors "Lazar I, Clement E, Ducoux-Petit M, Denat L, Soldan V, Dauvillier S, Balor S4, Burlet-Schiltz O1, Larue L, Muller C Nieto L"
Journal name Pigment Cell Melanoma Res
Publication year 2015
Sample Melanoma cells
Sample name 1205Lu
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Sucrose density gradient
Flotation density 1.13 - 1.19 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 126
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry [LTQ-FT Ultra]
PubMed ID Unpublished / Not applicable
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Mesenchymal Stem Cell Exosomes: The Future MSC-based Therapy?
Authors "Ruenn Chai Lai, Ronne Wee Yeh Yeo, Soon Sim Tan, Bin Zhang, Yijun Yin, Newman Siu Kwan Sze, Andre Choo, and Sai Kiang Lim"
Journal name Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy
Publication year 2011
Sample Mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name huES9.E1
Isolation/purification methods HPLC
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Antobody array
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 488
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 36408942    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative proteomic analysis of exosomes from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and rat bone marrow stem cells
Authors "Xu X, Yin F, Guo M, Gan G, Lin G, Wen C, Wang J, Song P, Wang J, Qi ZQ, Zhong CQ."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2023
Sample Mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name UCMSC
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 418
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Monocytic leukemia cells
Sample name THP-1
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study RT-qPCR
Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Flow cytometry
Experiment ID 413
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Normal mammary epithelial cells
Sample name MCF10A
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study RT-qPCR
Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Flow cytometry
Experiment ID 211
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
cytochrome c|GOLGA2
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 23333927    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Characterization and proteomic analysis of ovarian cancer-derived exosomes.
Authors "Liang B, Peng P, Chen S, Li L, Zhang M, Cao D, Yang J, Li H, Gui T, Li X, Shen K."
Journal name J Proteomics
Publication year 2013
Sample Ovarian cancer cells
Sample name IGROV1
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Sucrose density gradient
Flotation density 1.09-1.15 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 212
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Cytochrome C|GOLGA2
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 23333927    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Characterization and proteomic analysis of ovarian cancer-derived exosomes.
Authors "Liang B, Peng P, Chen S, Li L, Zhang M, Cao D, Yang J, Li H, Gui T, Li X, Shen K."
Journal name J Proteomics
Publication year 2013
Sample Ovarian cancer cells
Sample name OVCAR-3
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Sucrose density gradient
Flotation density 1.09-1.15 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 406
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Pancreatic cancer cells
Sample name BxPC3
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study RT-qPCR
Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Flow cytometry
Experiment ID 415
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Pancreatic cancer cells
Sample name PANC-1
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study RT-qPCR
Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Flow cytometry
Experiment ID 434
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Pancreatic cancer cells
Sample name PANC-1 - Exo-rich fractions 7-10 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Size exclusion chromatography
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 435
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Pancreatic cancer cells
Sample name PANC-1 - Exo-rich fractions 1-6 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
OptiPrep density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 408
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol