Gene description for SRPK1
Gene name SRSF protein kinase 1
Gene symbol SRPK1
Other names/aliases SFRSK1
Species Homo sapiens
 Database cross references - SRPK1
ExoCarta ExoCarta_6732
Vesiclepedia VP_6732
Entrez Gene 6732
HGNC 11305
MIM 601939
UniProt Q96SB4  
 SRPK1 identified in exosomes derived from the following tissue/cell type
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells 36408942    
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells 36408942    
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells 36408942    
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells 36408942    
Breast cancer cells 34108659    
Breast cancer cells 34108659    
Chondrocytes 35931686    
Chondrocytes 35931686    
Colorectal cancer cells 23161513    
Colorectal cancer cells 23161513    
Colorectal cancer cells 23161513    
Embryonic kidney cells 34108659    
Embryonic kidney cells 34108659    
Hepatocytes 26054723    
Pancreatic cancer cells 34108659    
Pancreatic cancer cells 34108659    
 Gene ontology annotations for SRPK1
Molecular Function
    magnesium ion binding GO:0000287 IDA
    RNA binding GO:0003723 HDA
    protein kinase activity GO:0004672 TAS
    protein serine/threonine kinase activity GO:0004674 IBA
    protein serine/threonine kinase activity GO:0004674 IDA
    3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase activity GO:0004676 IEA
    DNA-dependent protein kinase activity GO:0004677 IEA
    AMP-activated protein kinase activity GO:0004679 IEA
    eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2alpha kinase activity GO:0004694 IEA
    ribosomal protein S6 kinase activity GO:0004711 IEA
    protein binding GO:0005515 IPI
    ATP binding GO:0005524 IDA
    histone H3S10 kinase activity GO:0035175 IEA
    histone H3T11 kinase activity GO:0035402 IEA
    histone H3T6 kinase activity GO:0035403 IEA
    histone H2AXS139 kinase activity GO:0035979 IEA
    histone H3S28 kinase activity GO:0044022 IEA
    histone H4S1 kinase activity GO:0044023 IEA
    histone H2AS1 kinase activity GO:0044024 IEA
    histone H2BS14 kinase activity GO:0044025 IEA
    histone H3T3 kinase activity GO:0072354 IEA
    histone H2AS121 kinase activity GO:0072371 IEA
    Rho-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity GO:0072518 IEA
    protein serine kinase activity GO:0106310 IEA
    histone H2BS36 kinase activity GO:0140823 IEA
    histone H3S57 kinase activity GO:0140855 IEA
    histone H3T45 kinase activity GO:0140857 IEA
    histone H2AT120 kinase activity GO:1990244 IEA
Biological Process
    spliceosomal complex assembly GO:0000245 IBA
    chromatin remodeling GO:0006338 IEA
    protein phosphorylation GO:0006468 IDA
    chromosome segregation GO:0007059 IDA
    RNA splicing GO:0008380 TAS
    sperm DNA condensation GO:0035092 TAS
    intracellular signal transduction GO:0035556 IBA
    intracellular signal transduction GO:0035556 IDA
    positive regulation of viral genome replication GO:0045070 IDA
    negative regulation of viral genome replication GO:0045071 IDA
    innate immune response GO:0045087 IC
    regulation of mRNA splicing, via spliceosome GO:0048024 TAS
    regulation of mRNA processing GO:0050684 IBA
    regulation of mRNA processing GO:0050684 IDA
Subcellular Localization
    chromatin GO:0000785 IDA
    nucleus GO:0005634 IBA
    nucleus GO:0005634 IDA
    nucleoplasm GO:0005654 IDA
    cytoplasm GO:0005737 IBA
    cytoplasm GO:0005737 IDA
    endoplasmic reticulum GO:0005783 IEA
    cytosol GO:0005829 IDA
    cytosol GO:0005829 TAS
    plasma membrane GO:0005886 IDA
    nuclear matrix GO:0016363 IEA
    nuclear speck GO:0016607 IDA
 Experiment description of studies that identified SRPK1 in exosomes
Experiment ID 489
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 36408942    
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Experiment description Quantitative proteomic analysis of exosomes from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and rat bone marrow stem cells
Authors "Xu X, Yin F, Guo M, Gan G, Lin G, Wen C, Wang J, Song P, Wang J, Qi ZQ, Zhong CQ."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2023
Sample Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name BMSC - Passage 6
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 490
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 36408942    
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Experiment description Quantitative proteomic analysis of exosomes from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and rat bone marrow stem cells
Authors "Xu X, Yin F, Guo M, Gan G, Lin G, Wen C, Wang J, Song P, Wang J, Qi ZQ, Zhong CQ."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2023
Sample Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name BMSC - Passage 7
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 491
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 36408942    
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Experiment description Quantitative proteomic analysis of exosomes from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and rat bone marrow stem cells
Authors "Xu X, Yin F, Guo M, Gan G, Lin G, Wen C, Wang J, Song P, Wang J, Qi ZQ, Zhong CQ."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2023
Sample Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name BMSC - Passage 8
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 492
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 36408942    
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Experiment description Quantitative proteomic analysis of exosomes from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and rat bone marrow stem cells
Authors "Xu X, Yin F, Guo M, Gan G, Lin G, Wen C, Wang J, Song P, Wang J, Qi ZQ, Zhong CQ."
Journal name Proteomics
Publication year 2023
Sample Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Sample name BMSC - Passage 9
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 426
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Breast cancer cells
Sample name MDA-MB-231 - Exo-rich fractions 7-10 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Size exclusion chromatography
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 427
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Breast cancer cells
Sample name MDA-MB-231 - Exo-rich fractions 1-6 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
OptiPrep density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 497
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 35931686    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Extracellular vesicles enriched in connexin 43 promote a senescent phenotype in bone and synovial cells contributing to osteoarthritis progression
Authors "Varela-Eirín M, Carpintero-Fernández P, Guitián-Caamaño A, Varela-Vázquez A, García-Yuste A, Sánchez-Temprano A, Bravo-López SB, Yañez-Cabanas J, Fonseca E, Largo R, Mobasheri A, Caeiro JR, Mayán MD."
Journal name Cell Death Dis
Publication year 2022
Sample Chondrocytes
Sample name T/C-28a2
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 498
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 35931686    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Extracellular vesicles enriched in connexin 43 promote a senescent phenotype in bone and synovial cells contributing to osteoarthritis progression
Authors "Varela-Eirín M, Carpintero-Fernández P, Guitián-Caamaño A, Varela-Vázquez A, García-Yuste A, Sánchez-Temprano A, Bravo-López SB, Yañez-Cabanas J, Fonseca E, Largo R, Mobasheri A, Caeiro JR, Mayán MD."
Journal name Cell Death Dis
Publication year 2022
Sample Chondrocytes
Sample name T/C-28a2
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectometry
Experiment ID 207
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 23161513    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Proteomic analysis of exosomes from mutant KRAS colon cancer cells identifies intercellular transfer of mutant KRAS.
Authors "Demory Beckler M, Higginbotham JN, Franklin JL, Ham AJ, Halvey PJ, Imasuen IE, Whitwell C, Li M, Liebler DC, Coffey RJ."
Journal name Mol Cell Proteomics
Publication year 2012
Sample Colorectal cancer cells
Sample name DKO-1
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 208
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 23161513    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Proteomic analysis of exosomes from mutant KRAS colon cancer cells identifies intercellular transfer of mutant KRAS.
Authors "Demory Beckler M, Higginbotham JN, Franklin JL, Ham AJ, Halvey PJ, Imasuen IE, Whitwell C, Li M, Liebler DC, Coffey RJ."
Journal name Mol Cell Proteomics
Publication year 2012
Sample Colorectal cancer cells
Sample name Dks-8
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 209
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 23161513    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Proteomic analysis of exosomes from mutant KRAS colon cancer cells identifies intercellular transfer of mutant KRAS.
Authors "Demory Beckler M, Higginbotham JN, Franklin JL, Ham AJ, Halvey PJ, Imasuen IE, Whitwell C, Li M, Liebler DC, Coffey RJ."
Journal name Mol Cell Proteomics
Publication year 2012
Sample Colorectal cancer cells
Sample name DLD-1
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 419
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Embryonic kidney cells
Sample name HEK293T - Exo-rich fractions 7-10 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Size exclusion chromatography
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 419
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Embryonic kidney cells
Sample name HEK293T - Exo-rich fractions 7-10 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Size exclusion chromatography
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 420
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Embryonic kidney cells
Sample name HEK293T - Exo-rich fractions 1-6 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
OptiPrep density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 420
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Embryonic kidney cells
Sample name HEK293T - Exo-rich fractions 1-6 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
OptiPrep density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 237
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule mRNA
Identification method RNA Sequencing
PubMed ID 26054723    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Hepatocellular carcinoma-derived exosomes promote motility of immortalized hepatocyte through transfer of oncogenic proteins and RNAs
Authors "He M, Qin H, Poon TC, Sze SC, Ding X, Co NN, Ngai SM, Chan TF, Wong N"
Journal name Carcinogenesis
Publication year 2015
Sample Hepatocytes
Sample name MIHA
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Sucrose density gradient
Flotation density 1.13-1.19 g/mL
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
RNA Sequencing
Experiment ID 434
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Pancreatic cancer cells
Sample name PANC-1 - Exo-rich fractions 7-10 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
Size exclusion chromatography
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Western blotting
Mass spectrometry
Experiment ID 435
MISEV standards
Biophysical techniques
Enriched markers
Negative markers
Particle analysis
Identified molecule Protein
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 34108659    
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment description Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker
Authors "Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R."
Journal name Nat Cell Biol
Publication year 2021
Sample Pancreatic cancer cells
Sample name PANC-1 - Exo-rich fractions 1-6 pooled
Isolation/purification methods Differential centrifugation
OptiPrep density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density -
Molecules identified in the study Protein
Methods used in the study Mass spectrometry
 Protein-protein interactions for SRPK1
  Protein Interactor ExoCarta ID Identification method PubMed Species
1 HNRNPH1 3187
Affinity Capture-RNA Homo sapiens
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
2 ZBTB38 253461
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
3 SNRPA 6626
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
4 SPATS2  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
5 ARHGAP26 23092
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
6 MCM7 4176
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
7 UBE2H 7328
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
8 HNRNPC 3183
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
9 ISG15 9636
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
10 RBMS2 5939
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
11 ZNF514  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
12 DNAJC9 23234
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
13 ALKBH3  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
14 PAXIP1  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
15 RPS6KB2  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
16 DDX47 51202
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
17 PRPF8 10594
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
18 SRPK2 6733
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Cross-Linking-MS (XL-MS) Homo sapiens
19 PDGFRA 5156
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
20 TARDBP 23435
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
21 GABARAPL1 23710
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
22 C18orf25 147339
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
23 PRPF38A 84950
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
24 RPL13A 23521
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
25 HIRIP3  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
26 DHX8 1659
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
27 ARL6IP4  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
28 RPL15 6138
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
29 ZNF444  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
30 ARCN1 372
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
31 CHEK2  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
32 KPNA2 3838
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
33 CAND1 55832
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
34 EPB41L4A 64097
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
35 OCEL1  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
36 SRSF2 6427
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
37 SNRPF 6636
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
38 SNRPD2 6633
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
39 APP 351
Reconstituted Complex Homo sapiens
40 MBNL3  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
41 GSK3A 2931
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
42 USP36  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
43 SPANXN4  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
44 LAMC1 3915
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
45 DDX23 9416
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
46 PARK2  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
47 MAOB  
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-Western Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
49 SNRNP70 6625
Affinity Capture-Western Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
50 RNPS1 10921
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-Western Homo sapiens
FRET Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
51 RBM23  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
52 POLR2E 5434
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
53 PELI1 57162
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
54 DYRK1A 1859
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
55 TGFB1 7040
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
56 KIF23 9493
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
57 RIMS4  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
58 ADPRH 141
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
59 USP39 10713
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-Western Homo sapiens
60 COPB2 9276
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
61 ESRRG  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
62 COPS5 10987
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
63 FBXW7  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
64 CHERP 10523
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
65 IQGAP1 8826
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
66 NOL4L  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
67 NPM1 4869
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
68 SRRM2 23524
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
69 SNRPC 6631
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
70 ZMYND11 10771
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
71 FBL 2091
Proximity Label-MS Homo sapiens
72 MAPK14 1432
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
73 SRP19 6728
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
74 C11orf52 91894
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
75 PSMC2 5701
Co-fractionation Homo sapiens
76 TFEB  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
77 HIST1H1E 3008
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
78 ADARB1 104
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
79 KCNN2  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
80 PRKRA 8575
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
81 CDK7 1022
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
82 ILF3 3609
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
83 SNRPD3 6634
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
84 SRP68 6730
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
85 U2AF1 7307
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Two-hybrid Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
86 PHF7  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
87 LIMK1 3984
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
88 NOP16 51491
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
89 KPTN  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
90 SLC4A1AP  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
91 MYCN  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
92 RBM42  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
93 RIOK2 55781
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
94 ERBB2 2064
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
95 SREK1 140890
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
96 RBM8A 9939
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
97 KIF14 9928
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
98 ACIN1 22985
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
99 AURKC  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
100 CHTOP  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
101 PAK4 10298
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
102 DAW1  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
103 PFN1 5216
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
104 AURKA 6790
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
105 SRP9 6726
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
106 ARHGAP12  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
107 CLK4  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
108 C11orf63  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
109 FOXA1  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
110 Gtf3c4  
Affinity Capture-MS Mus musculus
111 COX15 1355
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
112 MAPK12  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
113 NSG1  
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
114 SLAIN2  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
115 RPL4 6124
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
116 PPIL1 51645
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
117 DRG1 4733
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
118 TAF1B  
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
119 SRSF3 6428
Affinity Capture-MS Homo sapiens
Biochemical Activity Homo sapiens
120 HELLS 3070